Pour Bros. in the Press

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Kind words & Cool Media Features

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Smile Politely Announcement

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News-Gazette Announcement


best Arts 2018

“BEST way to say hi after rehabbing an old building”

Some people just understand the way to show up. If Pour Bros. were your neighbor, you'd be grateful for them. They move in from Peoria, hands stretched out with genuine smiles on their faces, and did a great job rehabbing a building that needed it for decades. Then, immediately ask how they can make their little piece of space one that they can share. That's how you do it.

Needless to say, my favorite new sculpture was sponsored by Pour Bros. and they didn't have to do that, and it is precisely what we need more of in Champaign-Urbana.

- Smile Politely

Pour Bros. feature on ciLiving 


I will destroy you at Pour Bros. 90’s trivia Thursday night

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Pour Bros. will feature Illinois brews the 1st weekend of February